November 2018
We held our fall education event on November 14th – Palliative Care & End of Life Care in Continuing Care. Links to the recordings of the sessions can be found in the Members-only Area.
October 2018
We held our fall Collaborative Practice Discussions in Edmonton (October 2nd) and Calgary (October 10th). The subject for discussion was “Supporting Staff in Abusive Situations”. We held three rounds of discussion: resident to staff abuse; family to staff abuse; and staff to staff abuse. Summary notes from the sessions are found in the “Members Only” pages.
October also saw us in Edmonton and Calgary for Networking Events – Ethical Dilemmas in Continuing Care: Sexuality and Cannabis Use. Our speakers in Calgary were SEXcessful aging in LTC: Understanding and Responding to Sexuality and Intimacy in Continuing Care - Donna Devlin, RPN, Med and Ethical Issues & the Use of Cannabis in Continuing Care - Gary Lepine, Clinical Ethicist, AHS. Our Edmonton speakers were: Healthy Sexual Expression - "Never Gets Old" - Shaniff Esmail, PhD, MSc OT and Ethical Issues & the Use of Cannabis in Continuing Care - Gary Lepine, Clinical Ethicist, AHS.
On October 19th Sandra Woodhead Lyons presented Building Family/Resident Engagement in Alberta at the Canadian Association on Gerontology 2018 conference in Vancouver.
On October 24th Sandra Woodhead Lyons presented A Framework to Support Family/Resident Engagement at the ACCA IQ Conference in Red Deer.
September 2018
ICCER members, Bethany Care Society, Lifestyle Options, St. Michael's LTCC, and Wing Kei, participated in a 2-day workshop as part of the EPAC Collaborative. ICCER is one of six teams across Canada selected by CFHI to participate in the Collaborative! We will be part of the project until fall 2019.
July 2018
Building Family/Resident Engagement in Alberta – Sharla King, Steve Friesen, Emily Dymchuk, and Sandra Woodhead Lyons had their abstract accepted for Canadian Association on Gerontology 2018.
June 2018
ICCER is pleased to announce that we received funding from the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement to implement training for Embedding Palliative Approaches to Care (EPAC).
ICCER members participated in a 3-day planning session to discuss adapting and implementing the Music for Life program from the UK. We were pleased to help host the research team, including collaborators from the Winspear, Wigmore Hall (London, UK), University of Toronto, and of course, our ICCER providers. Dr. Hannah O’Rourke from University of Alberta’s Faculty of Nursing is leading the initiative and the planning session was funded through a Planning & Dissemination grant from CIHR. Here are some members of the research team.

ICCER celebrated Seniors Week by hosting Networking Events in Calgary (June 4th) and Edmonton (June 6th) – Keeping Seniors Safe. In both cities we had presentations about the Age-Friendly initiatives, the Community Paramedic Program, and Elder Abuse Awareness. Our speakers shared how they work towards improving the safety of seniors in our communities, including those in care, and how we can use this knowledge in everyday practice. Participants had the opportunity to connect with our speakers, as well as collaborate with one another in small and large group discussion. See our Networking page for more details.
ICCER hosted Collaborative Practice Discussions in Calgary and Edmonton for its member organizations in June. The topic was on Resident/Family Engagement. More information on the sessions can be found in the members-only pages.
April 2018
ICCER hosted Networking Events in both Edmonton and Calgary on April 4th and 16th. Living Spaces: Policy Supports and Barriers in Alberta, was presented by Jacquie Eales (Research Manager, RAPP, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta) and Megan Strickfaden (Professor, Design Studies & Material Culture, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta).
ICCER held Collaborative Practice Discussions in Calgary and Edmonton for its member organizations. The topic was Creative and Collaborative Approaches to Learning.
On April 27th, ICCER presented Community collaboration to identify continuing care issues in rural Alberta, by Dymchuk, Hallstrom and Woodhead Lyons, at the AHEA 2018 Conference.
February 2018
On February 15th, ICCER hosted our 6th Responsive Behaviours Symposium. Kim Barthel (OT) presented information on how to support people working with individuals who have dementia or other cognitive/complex conditions.
January 2018
ICCER was privileged to be able to go to Fort Chipewyan on January 23rd to deliver a workshop to people from the community.