November 2019
November was an extremely busy month! On November 12th we hosted the education event Intergenerational Programming and on November 27th we held our first webinar – Sexual Expression in Continuing Care Homes: Perspectives of Managers, Leaders, Family Members & Residents with Dr. Lisa Howard, University of Lethbridge.
ICCER was also pleased to participate in NorQuest College’s Research & Innovation Showcase. We showed 2 posters of our work: Family/Resident Engagement in Alberta: Does increasing consultation & involvement work? and Embedding a palliative approach to care in continuing care: The ICCER team.

October 2019
ICCER is excited to welcome new Associate Member – Rexall Health Solutions.
Steve Friesen (Bethany Care) and Sandra Woodhead Lyons (ICCER) had a late-breaker poster abstract accepted for CAG 2019. Come out on the afternoon of Saturday, October 26th and have a look at Family/Resident Engagement in Alberta: Does increasing consultation & involvement work?
On October 1st Edmonton members met for a Collaborative Practice Discussion – the topic was related to the implementation of electronic records and the issues/barriers to implementation. The discussions can be found in the member–only pages for Organizational Members.
September 2019
A student-led project at NorQuest College was funded by AHS Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network and supported by the Olson Centre for Health Simulation. A workshop was created for health care providers and caregivers using non-pharmacological interventions to support individuals with dementia.
August 2019
If you are going to the annual CAG conference be sure to attend Friday, October 25th End of Life session (8-9:30AM) and hear Emily Dymchuk present “Embedding a Palliative Approach to Care in Continuing Care: The ICCER Team”. Fellow ICCER representative Sarah Price (Silvera) will be presenting “Navigating the complex changes around end-of-life options: Development of the Supportive Living MAiD Collaborative” in the same session. Later that day, Jenny Swindle from UofA will be presenting a poster on behalf of Hannah O'Rourke and team (Hannah O'Rourke, Jennifer Swindle, Tammy Hopper, Danielle Sullivan, Tynisha Whynot, Lee Bartel, Matthias Hoben, Mandy Archibald, Sandra Woodhead Lyons), "Music Connects Us: Design of an innovative music-based group activity intervention to address loneliness for people with dementia".
Save the Dates!! ICCER has an exciting array of events coming up. Be sure to mark them in your calendars now.
October 1, 2019 – Edmonton- Collaborative Practice Discussion: "Implementation of Automated Records - what's the effect on care?" (ICCER member organizations only)
October 7, 2019 – Calgary – ICCER Networking Event: Appropriate Deprescribing
October 8, 2019 – Calgary- Collaborative Practice Discussion: "Implementation of Automated Records - what's the effect on care?" (ICCER member organizations only)
October 15, 2019 – Edmonton – ICCER Networking Event: Appropriate Deprescribing
November 12, 2019 – Intergenerational programming in continuing care
February 19, 2020 – Responsive Behaviours Symposium VIII: Three triggers of responsive behaviours and how to manage them: Sleep, pain and incontinence
April 1, 2020 – ICCER’s 2nd Annual Innovation Day (ICCER organizational and associate members only) Location to be determined
April 16, 2020 – Edmonton – ICCER Networking Event: Caregiver Centred Care
April 20, 2020 – Calgary - ICCER Networking Event: Caregiver Centred Care
ICCER is pleased to welcome Associate Members Organizations: Berry Architecture and BioAlberta.
July 2019
ICCER is excited to announce a new category of membership, Associate! Associate Membership is for organizations that support ICCER’s vision and provide services within the continuing care sector, but do not meet the criteria for Organizational Membership (continuing care providers, post-secondary institutions, and regulatory bodies). Read more under the “Members” tab.
ICCER is pleased to welcome our newest Organizational Member, Silvera for Seniors!
June 2019
Check out our paper published in the Journal of Rural and Community Development on community consultation work done by ICCER and the ACSRC.
ICCER held Networking Events in Edmonton on June 4 and Calgary on June 10 on “Giving Voice to Older Adults through Co-Created Films: Learning how Designed Things Can Support the Aging Process” by Dr. Megan Strickfaden.
ICCER member organizations came together to discuss CCHSS 16.0, Restraint Management and Secure Spaces, as it continues to cause concern and confusion among care providers. Staff in Calgary (June 11) and Edmonton (June 12) shared resources and ideas on how they can meet the Standard while maintaining best practice and person-centred care for residents. Resources can be found on the Members-only Area of the website.
April 2019
ICCER hosted two networking events (April 8th in Calgary and April 11th in Edmonton) on Inclusivity in Continuing Care.
ICCER held our first Innovation Day on April 3rd. It was a chance for ICCER member organizations to ‘show off and share’ with each other. We had close to 100 people at the event held at CapitalCare Dickinsfield. Check out the program.
Presentations and more photos from the day can be found in the members-only pages.
We’d like to thank Cardinal Health, Alberta Seniors Communities & Housing Association (ASCHA) and Health Arts Society of Alberta (HASA) for joining us. While they are not ICCER organizational members, they shared some great ideas with our members.

March 2019
Check out this infographic of ICCER's accomplishments over the past 10+ years!
On March 19th ICCER's Program Coordinator, Emily Dymchuk, as well as staff from Bethany Airdrie, Lifestyle Options, St. Michael's Long-Term Care Centre and Wing Kei attended the Embedding a Palliative Approach to Care (EPAC) Workshop in Ottawa. The workshop was an opportunity for teams across Canada to meet one another and share the work they have done, and the successes and challenges of the project so far. The team left Ottawa feeling inspired and re-energized to continue with culture change at their sites!

February 2019
ICCER held a successful Responsive Behaviours VII -- Building Resilience: Caring for the Care Provider on February 20th. Presentations are available under Responsive Behaviours Symposiums.
January 2019
We are looking forward to Responsive Behaviours Symposium VII - Building Resilience: Caring for the Care Provider in February.